, Jan. 21, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- JumpStartFund's Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. (HTT) announced today the filing of construction permits with to kick off construction activities in Quay Valley. On site preparation activities will commence in the coming weeks with principle construction beginning by the end of 2nd quarter 2016. HTT is in the selection process after an overwhelming response to a Request For Interest (RFI) sent to more than eighty companies for the first full-scale passenger -ready Hyperloop installation.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160121/324483
Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160121/324484

"After over two and a half years of research and development our team has reached another important milestone. This will be the world's first passenger-ready Hyperloop system," said HTT CEO Dirk Ahlborn . "Everyone traveling on I-5 in 2016 will be able to see our activities from the freeway."

The on-site preparation includes a geotechnical investigation to determine the placement of pylons which support the tube. Soil samples will be taken by boring into the earth.

Once the ground survey is complete, Hyperloop will immediately perform mapping procedures with drone technology to mark the corridor, pylon positions, and station location. The mapping is needed to calculate both the horizontal and vertical alignments required as part of the building permit.

Leading up to the ground breaking in the second quarter of 2016, HTT will be interviewing contractors to construct the pylons, tubes, capsules and stations for the Quay Valley Track. First optimizations of the completed Hyperloop system are expected by 2017 with a full opening to the public by 2018.

HTT videos and photos can be found here.

About Quay Valley

Quay Valley is located on 7,500 acres directly between and along famous Interstate 5 Freeway. A sustainable model town for the 21st century, Quay Valley is the first urban center to be built with special attention paid to the highest levels of green design standards and resource conservation. Quay Valley will be a 100 percent solar-powered, self-sustaining residential community of 25,000 homes that incorporates cutting-edge technology into a retail, education, entertainment and hospitality infrastructure, generates thousands of jobs, and strengthens the Central Valley's economy--all while protecting the natural resources and beauty of the land.

About Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc.

Founded in 2013 by JumpStarter Inc. utilizing JumpStarter's crowdfunding and crowd collaboration platform JumpStartFund, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. (HTT) designs, manufactures and builds the most highly profitable, fastest, safest, environmentally friendly transportation system for passengers and goods. HTT leverages technology and a 480+ team of global experts to bring disruptive innovation to the traditional transportation industry. Hyperloop first gained public interest when entrepreneur published a detailed white paper describing a futuristic mode of transport that would transport folks from to in about thirty minutes. Musk handed the concept to the public asking for entrepreneurs to take over its development while he focused on his existing projects. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies rose to the challenge.

Hyperloop is a tube-based transportation system for inter- and intra-city transport. The removal of air in a tube allows for the passage of pods at high speeds. The system maintains passenger comfort whilst accelerating the pod safely to 760 mph. Its maximum acceleration is approximately 1g and the experience is similar to a performance car. Hyperloop uses a combination of alternative energy supply and conservation techniques such as photovoltaics, wind, kinetic, regenerative braking, and geothermal power to ensure sustainability and low cost. This suite of energy sources combined with an accelerated, low-cost build, enables Hyperloop to develop rapidly and generate sustainable profitability, unlike most other transportation modalities.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hyperloop-transportation-technologies-begins-construction-process-of-first-full-scale-passenger-system-300207760.html

SOURCE Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc.

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