included in this optimization where extreme local gradients (>6%) would preclude the use of pylons. Tunneling cost estimations are estimated at $50 million per mile ($31 million per km). The small diameter of the Hyperloop tube should keep tunneling costs to a far more reasonable level than traditional automotive and rail tunnels. The route has been divided into the following sections: Los Angeles/Grapevine – South and North I-5 I-580/San Francisco Bay Summary • 300 mph (480 kph) for the Los Angeles Grapevine South section at 0.5g. Total time of 167 seconds • 555 mph (890 kph) for the Los Angeles Grapevine North section at 0.5g. Total travel time of 435 seconds • 760 mph (1,220 kph ) along I-5 at 0.5g. Total travel time of 1,518 seconds • 555 mph (890 kph) along I-580 slowing to 300 mph (480 kph) into San Francisco. Total travel time of 2,134 seconds (35 minutes) The velocity (Figure 26) along the Hyperloop and distance (Figure 27) as a function of time summarize the route.