brings the total capsule weight near 57,000 lb (26,000) kg including passenger, luggage, and vehicle weight. 4.1.7. Cost The overall cost of the Hyperloop passenger capsule version (Table 1) is expected to be under $1.35 million USD including manufacturing and assembly cost. With 40 capsules required for the expected demand, the total cost of capsules for the Hyperloop system should be no more than $54 million USD or approximately 1% of the total budget. Although the overall cost of the project would be higher, we have also detailed the expected cost of a larger capsule (Table 2) which could carry not only passengers but cargo and cars/SUVs as well. The frontal area of the capsule 2 2 would have to be increased to 43 ft (4 m ) and the tube diameter would be increased to 10 ft 10 in. (3.3 m). Table 1. Crew capsule weight and cost breakdown Vehicle Component Cost ($) Weight (kg) Capsule Structure & Doors: $ 245,000 3100 Interior & Seats: $ 255,000 2500 Propulsion System: $ 75,000 700 Suspension & Air Bearings: $ 200,000 1000 Batteries, Motor & Coolant: $ 150,000 2500 Air Compressor: $ 275,000 1800 Emergency Braking: $ 50,000 600 General Assembly: $ 100,000 N/A Passengers & Luggage: N/A 2800 Total/Capsule: $ 1,350,000 15000 Total for Hyperloop: $ 54,000,000 Table 2. Cargo and crew capsule weight and cost breakdown Vehicle Component Cost ($) Weight (kg) Capsule Structure & Doors: $ 275,000 3500 Interior & Seats: $ 185,000 2700 Propulsion System: $ 80,000 800 Suspension & Air Bearings: $ 265,000 1300 Batteries, Motor & Coolant: $ 200,000 5500 Air Compressor: $ 300,000 2500 Emergency Braking: $ 70,000 800 General Assembly: $ 150,000 N/A Passengers & Luggage: N/A 1400 Car & Cargo: N/A 7500