In the unlikely event of a large scale capsule depressurization, other capsules in the tube would automatically begin emergency braking whilst the Hyperloop tube would undergo rapid re-pressurization along its entire length. 4.5.3. Capsule Stranded in Tube A capsule becoming stranded in the Hyperloop tube is highly unlikely as the capsule coasts the majority of the distance at high speed and so there is no propulsion required for more than 90% of the journey. If a capsule were somehow to become stranded, capsules ahead would continue their journeys to the destination unaffected. Capsules behind the stranded one would be automatically instructed to deploy their emergency mechanical braking systems. Once all capsules behind the stranded capsule had been safely brought to rest, capsules would drive themselves to safety using small onboard electric motors to power deployed wheels. All capsules would be equipped with a reserve air supply great enough to ensure the safety of all passengers for a worst case scenario event. 4.5.4. Structural Integrity of the Tube in Jeopardy A minor depressurization of the tube is unlikely to affect Hyperloop capsules or passengers and would likely be overcome by increased vacuum pump power. Any minor tube leaks could then be repaired during standard maintenance. In the event of a large scale leak, pressure sensors located along the tube would automatically communicate with all capsules to deploy their emergency mechanical braking systems. 4.5.5. Earthquakes California is no stranger to earthquakes and transport systems and all built with earthquakes in mind. Hyperloop would be no different with the entire tube length built with the necessary flexibility to withstand the earthquake motions while maintaining the Hyperloop tube alignment. It is also likely that in the event of a severe earthquake, Hyperloop capsules would be commanded remotely to actuate their mechanical emergency braking systems. 4.5.6. Human Related Incidents Hyperloop would feature the same high level of security used at airports. However, the regular departure of Hyperloop capsules would result in a steadier and faster flow of passengers through security screening compared to

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